Pool Maintenance

    How to Balance Pool Chemicals Like a Pro: A Guide for Lafayette Pool Owners

    By Mike Lee | Sep 30, 2024

    Pool water test kit

    Pool Maintenance

    Owning a pool in Lafayette is a fantastic way to enjoy the sunny days and relax right in your backyard. However, keeping your pool clean, safe, and swim-ready requires maintaining proper chemical balance. Balancing your pool's water chemistry may seem tricky at first, but with the right approach, you can do it like a pro!


    How to Beat the Heat: Essential Pool Maintenance Tips During a Heat Wave

    Mike Lee | Jul 30, 2024

    A thermometer reading 120 degrees fahrenheit.

    Pool Maintenance

    When the summer sun is at its peak and Lafayette experiences a heat wave, your pool can become a sanctuary of relief. However, the intense heat can also put a strain on your pool’s systems and water quality. Proper maintenance during these times is crucial to ensure your pool remains clean, safe, and inviting. Here are some essential pool maintenance tips to help you beat the heat and keep your pool in top shape.


    Preparing Your Pool for Hurricane Season: Essential Tips for Acadiana Homeowners

    Mike Lee | Jun 30, 2024

    Hurricane approaching Louisiana

    Pool Maintenance

    As hurricane season approaches, it's crucial to take proactive steps to safeguard your pool. Living in Lafayette, we know the importance of being prepared for severe weather. Properly preparing your pool not only protects your investment but also ensures that it will be ready for use once the storm passes. Here are essential tips to help you get your pool hurricane-ready.


    Pool Maintenance

    Mike Lee | Mar 04, 2024

    A pool net scooping leaves out of a pool.

    Pool Maintenance

    Owners of pools and spas know how much value and comfort they add to a home, but they also require some upkeep to keep them in good condition and functioning well. To help you get the most out of your pool or spa, we’ve prepared a guide to maintain optimum water quality year-round, as well as the basics of seasonal maintenance. Here’s what you need to know.



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